Well, I have officially taken two weeks off from IP and my diet and I can honestly say that going off the diet felt just as crappy as starting it!? For the first few days every time I would take just one bite of sugar I would get an instant headache and if I ate too many carbs my tummy would rumble like crazy. However, now that I have been 'cheating' for two weeks I can eat carbs and sugar again with no after effects (accept maybe weight gain)! I have gained +4.8lbs over the holidays which is exactly what I thought I would gain. And even though I kinda stayed on track with what I was allowing myself to gain I feel like I have gained almost 15lbs! I just feel fat, I can still fit in my clothes and haven't had to resort to putting on my "fat pants" but I feel bigger? I plan on going back on IP tomorrow but I may put it off till next week so I can have one last celebration on New Years Eve. I don't see the point in starting again just to cheat on the weekend!? I have to be committed to IP if I'm going to start again and I need to be committed to loose these last 15ish pounds!! I'm so close and yet I feel so far away!? I feel like my skin hasn't had a chance to tighten up, maybe I need to start working out? Even though I am in pants one size away from my goal I still feel fat and giggly!? Maybe I should drag my Wii out again!?
So .... Christmas was good! We had everyone over at our house and hubby deep fried the turkey. It was our first time deep frying a turkey and I must say, it turned out great!! I made make ahead mashed potatoes and I made the salad the night before (broccoli/ cauliflower) and since hubby did the turkey all I had to do was make the stuffing and put things in the oven at certain times!!! We had one issue of not having enough oil so hubby had to run out and get some last minute but everything seemed to be ready on time and tasted delish!! After supper we cleaned up a bit and the boys took the kids for a walk. MIL and myself grabbed all the gifts that were hidden in the basement and stuck them under the tree. Jacob seemed a little surprised when he walked in the door and immediately wanted to unwrap ALL the gifts! It was a little awkward having so many people there watching Jacob open so many gifts and I did feel a little like we were spoiling him too much. I think next year we might not invite as many or do things a bit different?
Christmas Day we went to the inlaws for supper and didn't do much else. Then Boxing Day we were back at the inlaws for their open house, which is always a good day! By the end of the holidays and hussel and bussel I did have a few tears thinking about all the people that passed this year. It was tough to celebrate without them, I had to keep busy - it was when I slowed down and was by myself that I started thinking too much. Hopefully next year will be a little easier but I never want to forget.
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