Monday, January 17, 2011

5 weeks ....

In 5 weeks .... in 5 weeks we are going to Mexico, in 5 weeks I want to be at my goal, in 5 weeks I plan on being in my pre-pregnancy jeans!! Doesn't seem very long, and although I only have another 10lbs to go to get to goal I feel like these last 10lbs and 5 weeks are going to the toughest yet! I feel like ever since Christmas it has been hard to be 100%, which is making the diet hard to follow. IP is the type of diet you have to be committed 100%, there are no 'cheat days', you have to stick with the plan - no nibbling off your sons plate, no extras, just stick to the plan and you will feel good, loose weight and not be hungry! I however have been having a few "cheats" making me not fall into ketosis and making me feel hungry and crave certain foods. It's all such a mental thing for me - I feel like I have come pretty far but I also feel like I have sacrificed enough and want that cheat. I don't think I will do well on this weeks weigh in.

I also feel like my "coach" isn't doing much coaching, last week she wasn't even at my appt, she sent her niece to do my weigh in. Which would be fine if her niece had any idea of what IP was and could answer my questions but no ... she is clueless and ubber skinny, clearly never having a weight issue! If my coach is not there again this week I am going to tell the niece to hand over my file and that I am going to a different coach, one that wants to see me and how I'm doing!

There is how ever a bit of good news .... I was getting a little stressed that I still have 10lbs to go before I am where I was before. I was worried that my skinny shorts won't fit me till I'm at that goal weight making me have to find/ buy new shorts for our trip! However .... I tried all my skinny shorts on yesterday and they ALL fit!!! :D I'm soooo happy that I don't have that stress anymore, it's OK if I don't get to goal before my trip. Although I feel like if I don't get to goal before my trip I'm not sure I will come back on IP after our trip!? I may just live off IP for a while, just eat "healthy".

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