Wednesday, January 5, 2011

back on track...

Well after a two week break from IP I am back on track and once again following the plan. I must admit that at the end of my two week free for all I was kinda excited to be on a plan again and my salad tasted wonderful!! On day 2 I started feeling that crappy feeling, I had a headache for most of the afternoon and was very lazy. Day 3 was a bit better, no headache but still feeling lazy. Today is day 4 back on IP and it is ok, I was very hungry this morning but now I feel OK, it is time for my morning shake. Everyday this week I have packed a extra shake in my lunch bag just in case I got really hungry but I haven't had to use it yet. Tonight I go see my coach and I don't think I have lived up to my end of the deal!? I promised her that I would be either the same weight or lighter when I came back for my weigh in. This morning I weighed in at 184.2lbs, which is -2lbs lighter then last week (after only being on plan for 4 days) but before holidays I was down to 181.4 - I'm still another 2.8lbs away from that!? Oh well, it will come off ... eventually! I am actually kinda surprised that I haven't dropped a huge # like I did the first week I started IP (3 months ago). I guess technically my body has just started ketosis so now it should really burn fat. Maybe next week I will have a better #?

I am giving myself 7 more weeks on IP, by the end of February I WILL be at goal and maybe even a little bit more? I have 15 more pounds to go before goal but my coach wants me to be 5 under so that when I go off plan and gain a few I will end up at goal. So... if I say 20 more pounds that works out to 2.9lbs per week, tough but do able if I focus and have NO cheats at all!! Maybe exercise a bit more now that I am getting closer to goal. All I know for sure is that in the beginning of March we have a trip booked for Mexico and I WILL be happy with my weight!! :)

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