Wednesday, February 9, 2011

~~ Weigh in ~~

So this is my 2nd weigh in on Phase II and after last weeks weigh in I was starting to wonder if maybe I wouldn't loose anything at all on Phase II?! But this morning I saw a -3.4lb loss!!! I am pleased that I am now only 6lbs away from goal and might actually be able to see goal before I leave for Mexico!? I'm suppose to start Phase III tomorrow, which means adding breakfast, it excites me cause I love breakfast but I don't have time in the morning to make eggs and toast. I am a grab and go girl so I need to think of things that I can take to work and eat here.

Last week I made crust less quiche which would be good for a grab and go type breakfast, I could make individual servings and put my bread in a Ziploc to toast once at work. I believe I am also suppose to have fruit and yogurt now too, which I'm pretty excited about - I was starting to really miss fruit and dairy.

Last week I also made some kale chips, when I made them with vinegar they were so yummy - just like salt and vinegar chips! I made some black bean brownies, which were also yummy and nice for a treat. Last night I made fennel salad and it was really yummy! These are three things I have never eaten before and I'm glad I tried them, I will probably eat them even when I'm not on a diet!

We have had a few busy weeks, we are still trying to get my Dads house ready to go on the market to sell. We took Jacob to the Monster Truck show last weekend, which he loved!! And we went swimming to the water park, which was also a good time but made me realize that I need to buy a new swim suit before our holiday!!

Jacob has been so funny lately, he really cracks me up! His imagination is crazy now, and I love to hear the things he has to say. The other day I picked him up from the day home and he had a little truck with him, he held it really close to his eye and told me there was a whale in there, a really big whale. So I played along and acted surprised, he shoves the truck in my eye and says look Mommy, theres a whale in there! LOL How he figures a whale can drive his truck is beyond me but it was cute the way he insisted it was there.

I have a busy few days coming up, trying to get ready for our trip. I need to buy new shoes for me and Jacob, new swimsuit for me and I need to try and buy things to put in Jacobs carry-on that will keep him entertained for the six hour flight!! :0 I bought some new suitcases last week, the hard shell ones and probably spent way too much but at least they will last a lifetime! :) This Friday is the day I plan on saying good-bye to my beloved dog, she is really old and things are becoming very difficult for her. Her hips are giving out and she falls a lot, I haven't made the call yet to make the appointment but I am trying to prepare myself that that will be the day. :(

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