Thursday, June 16, 2011


On this day, three years ago at 7:48am - my little 7lb baby boy was born! I remember giving birth as being a magical moment, a moment of awww. I remember having that "Wow" feeling, looking at him thinking... holy crap...we made that! The miracle of life truly is amazing, and now that he is 3 and has become a little boy there has been other times in those 3 years where I was thinking ... ((sigh)) we ... made that!??? lol I don't think I ever gave parenting half as much credit as I should have growing up and it funny now that I am an adult I think about life changing times with my parents and how those times probably made me who I am today. I asked my Mom once if she remembered the time when I stopped holding her hand, she doesn't remember - but in it was a moment I won't forget. I also remember the time we were driving an my Mom kinda told me that I was asking too many questions, until that day I never really thought about all the questions I asked but after she pointed it out I realized that yes I did ask a lot of questions.

Most days Jacob drives me nuts with his constant questions and a lot of times I have to step back and remind myself that he is young, everything is new to him, he is just learning. And maybe the more he learns now the smarter he will be later on? We are still in the process of potty training, he is really good if he's naked but that is hard to do when your not a stay at home mom. He often insists on wearing his "big boy underwear" instead of pull-ups and I try to remind him that he can't pee in them but I think he still thinks they are like pull-ups or just doesn't care. But if he has nothing on (no where for the pee to go) then he will go in the potty, even #2's.

He is at the age now that I think most kids go through of asking for toys, if I have to run to the store he insists on going to the toy store as well - because he needs to buy a new tractor or garbage truck. If he sees a commercial he will tell me he wants what ever the toy is. I am often torn between buying the toy to make him stop the tantrum or letting him cry it out, which is SUPER hard to do when you are in a store with other adults and they look at you like a horrible parent as your 'spoiled' child freaks out in the middle of the store! Sometimes it is just easier to buy the toy and move on, hopefully he forgets about it by the time you get home and I hide it (saving it for a birthday or 'good' behaviour day). Sometimes I donate the toys or use them as gifts when he has birthday parties to attend.

He now clearly knows what he likes and doesn't like and will often tell me he doesn't like someone or something. I feel really bad when we are sitting beside someone and he pipes up "Mommy, I don't like him" (I usually don't blame him, I don't like the guy either) I try to explain that its not nice to say things like that but he doesn't understand.
He is still a picky eater, I try to introduce new foods but he often says "it's yucky" even before trying it. He used to love broccoli, pasta and corn dogs but now if I make those things he turns his nose up at them. His favorite food right now is probably french fries, burgers, corn and yogurt. He has his beloved puppy that goes with him everywhere and needs frequent 'baths', I'm worried that soon his puppy will need some stitches (which I'm not very good at). He still likes to read books and he loves building puzzles (which he is surprisingly good at). He builds LEGO toys with his Dad all the time and likes anything that has wheels or motors.

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