Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Back from holidays

Well, I'm back at work from my week of holidays and surprisingly it didn't go by too fast as most holidays do. I spent most of my week off at my Dads, packing stuff up and taking pictures of items we want to sell. I have been anxious all week to see how I did on IP!! We had Thanksgiving dinner at my house, I enjoyed this - partially because then I know how things are prepared and also because I don't think my brother would host it!! lol We had 9 adults and 2 kids (including us at my house - which seems really tiny when you get that many people in there). I made turkey, ham, stuffing, scallop potatoes, mixed veggies and I attempted asparagus but decided not to serve it cause it seemed over cooked to me. There were three pies for dessert and I had to keep myself busy in the kitchen so that I didn't tempt myself into having "just one piece". I think I did OK, I did however have one small bite of my stuffing and a small bite of the scallop potatoes - which I am hoping didn't throw me right out of prime weight loss conditions!?!?

I would normally go get weighed in on Tuesday but tonight I have a stamping card workshop (that I'm pretty excited about) so I have to wait till tomorrow to see how my week on holidays on IP went!!?! I snuck a peak though this morning on the scale just to see and I was pleasantly surprised so hopefully it sticks and maybe even more by Wed night!! :) I am happy with IP and although I still have strong cravings for a lot of my old favorites and at times I feel very hungry, I still like the results more then the sacrifice of not having carbs so I will continue and know that someday soon I will be able to have fruit again and maybe even a slice of pizza!! lol

Below are some pics of my family at our Thanksgiving dinner, my Dad is sitting closest to the camera and as you can see his health is quickly deteriorating. He is becoming more weak every time I see him and I think his cheek bones are sticking out farther then I have ever seen them!? It is sad to see him in this state but I am thankful that he was still healthy enough to come over for some turkey!

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