Monday, October 18, 2010

hard to think big

So, I'm on my 3rd week of IP and so far I think it's going OK - I'm not entirely sure I'm in ketosis or not cause I feel like my #'s should be better or maybe it's because I don't have a ton of weight to loose that my #'s aren't as big as I've heard other IP loosers. I have my 3rd weigh in tomorrow but this morning I stepped on the scale to see how my week has been so far and I was surprised that I have only lost just over a pound? And I know in the big picture I have lost over 14lbs in 3 weeks which averages to almost 5lbs a week - which is awesome!! But when I saw the small change in weight this morning it was kinda discouraging? It's just that I feel like I'm going to the extreme but not seeing the results ... until I look at the big picture?! We will see tomorrow night is my official weigh in so I'll post about that on Wed.

I bought a new pair of jeans on the weekend and thought they were a smaller size then I normally wear but when I got home and looked at the tag they are the same size? But they fit different, I feel good in them, but thought forsure after almost 15lbs I should be in a smaller size!?

I have a retreat this weekend too, which I planned to go off plan for - not crazy off plan but if they are serving eggs for breakfast I plan on having some, just not the toast. I am going to try not to think about IP too much but make healthy decisions instead. Then after this weekend I have no more parties, no more temptations until Christmas!! I hope November will be a even better month then this one, but I'll be happy with a average of 3lbs a week. So on my next weigh in (week 4) I don't plan on seeing a big loss and hopefully I don't gain anything!! I'd be happy this week if I was able to just maintain.

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