Tuesday, November 16, 2010

A new addition to our family!

The other day I was on Kijiji, looking at free ads and keeping an eye on the ads I placed on there (we are trying to get rid of some of the furniture from my Dads house) and I came across a ad for a FREE Basset Hound. And not that we were really looking for a dog but both me and hubby like basset hounds and know that our old dog is well .... old and days are numbered. So I called him and told him about this ad and asked what he thought. He said, well if its free then maybe we should just go look at it and see how it is with Jacob. She was about an hour away so after supper we headed out to meet her. Her name is Hershey, she is 14 months old, and when we walked into her house, her hair stood on end and she was very much on guard dog duty, at first I didn't think things would go very well but after about five minutes she crawled right up to me and snuggled. We stayed for a bit at her house and she played with Jacob great! We decided to take her home with us! I felt bad for her previous owner who seemed really nice and was giving the dog away because she felt guilty for not spending enough time with her. She seemed like she was going to genuinely miss Hershey.

When we finally got home, it was late and Hershey was very excited as well as Jacob. Hershey was quiet talkative that night wanting to play with our old dog. I was worried that maybe we shouldn't have gotten another dog. But the next day was a little better and the day after that was even better!! She barely barks at all and only gets upset when one of us leave without her. She is already house trained but still asks to be let out around 3am. She knows the commands "sit" and "shake a paw", which is a good start! I do plan on taking her to obedience training after Christmas though. So far, she is a good dog and has fit in good with our family and lifestyle! :)

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