Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Week 7 - weigh in

Week 7 ~ weigh in
Down another -3.4lbs this week!! :)

Things are going good, I'm not hating salads for lunch everyday as much as I thought I would? And it isn't that much harder to pack a lunch to go to my Dads old house then it was to eat the lunches I was before? I do still have cravings and I think those will always be there but I just have to learn how to deal with them and not let them take over my whole thought process. I still have my hungry days but I also think that is normal and will be a forever thing. I am trying to stick with just the IP shakes and puddings instead of adding some of the "restricted" items that you are allowed. I have tried a few IP recipes, the mashed cauliflower that was suppose to taste like mashed potatoes was not that great but the mock tato salad (like potato salad but with cauliflower) and the stuffed peppers were great!! I also made some mini turkey meat loafs which were excellent!!

I find it odd that I am doing so well on the program and have lost over 25lbs but when I think of myself I still see the 220lb person!? I remember feeling this way last time I lost a bunch of weight but still think its funny how you still relate to yourself as the fat girl even though according to the scale and my BMI ... it really isn't that bad?! I know there will be a day that I wake up, try on a new outfit, look in the mirror and say "Holy sh*t! I'm skinny!? Where did the fat girl go??" That's pretty much what happened last time, then I couldn't stop looking or trying on clothes!! haha I do feel good and when I look at certain parts of my body (like my upper thighs) I can see a difference but I am still in the fat chick mentality.

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