Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Week 8 ~ weigh in

Things are ticking along quite well, if you ask me! For week 8 I am down another -3lbs, which is almost 30lbs in just two months!!! I have less then 20lbs left to be at goal and I'm hoping they go by just as fast as the first eight weeks have! I figure another 6-8 weeks and I should be right where I want to be! I plan on taking Christmas off and enjoying the festivities but I might have to slowly introduce sugar and carbs cause I think last time I dove right in it made me sick?

I have been doing some Christmas baking this week and have been successful at NOT sampling the cookies! However if there are any left by Christmas time I might sample a few, just to see if they are worth baking again!? It worries me a bit to do baking or cooking but not sample the food, what if people are just trying to be nice by saying they are good? Maybe I watch too much Hells Kitchen and hear Ramsey yelling at the chefs to always taste their food! LOL

Jacob had his Christmas photos last week and we finally got the proofs sent to us to look over so we can place an order. I'm not 100% happy with them but my hubby says it's cause I'm too picky. Above is one of the poses we did that I liked. I am still waiting for them to do some editing to a couple pics to make my decision on which pose I want to order. Hopefully they send them soon cause I really need to send out my Christmas cards!! The weeks seem to be going by very fast and I'm worried that before I know it Christmas will be here!!! :o

I also need to go through "Santa's workshop" and see what "Santa" has bought for everyone. I'm a little worried that Santa went a little over board this year. It just seemed like there were so many good deals on things that I am certain Jacob would like! Santa's elf needs to get those gifts wrapped and hidden.

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