Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Week 6 weigh in!

I'm pretty excited today, I weighed in twice just to make sure it was right! This week I lost another -4lbs!! I didn't think I was doing that well on IP, I mean ... I don't feel like I have restricted myself so much that I am missing out on things. I haven't "cheated" at all with sugar, I passed up on all the little Halloween chocolate bars and I changed from using milk in my coffee to using half and half - which is way lower in sugar but a little higher in fat, but it gives the coffee a creamy taste that I have been missing. I was wondering if it would have an effect on my weight loss but I don't think it has so I will keep using half and half. I have "cheated" a couple times with higher fat foods, I made mashed potatoes but with cauliflower but felt like it was missing something so I added butter to my helping. And having a slice of cheese here and there but I have been pretty good at staying away from sugar (with the help of Splenda) and staying away from bread. I do crave bread still and thought by now that would pass, every morning I crave breakfast - a nice egg sandwich or breakfast burrito, I can't wait to have breaky!! :)

So thing are going pretty good I think ... I am at my half way point, I have finally passed the 10% mark and can't believe that I am almost out of the 190's !! :D I would like to be at 179 by Christmas, which is another 14.2lbs in 6 weeks - which works out to 2.4lbs a week, I think this is very reasonable!! I plan on going off plan during the Christmas holidays just like I did at the retreat. Not too crazy but I will probably enjoy a few high carby things. Then January 1st or so get back on the program to loose my last 10lbs!! :)

The weeks seem to be flying by, I can't believe that Christmas is only about 6 weeks away. I think I am almost done my shopping but I still have to wrap them and set up my tree. We are in the process right now to move the office downstairs and adding a craft table for me. Then we are making the office Jacobs playroom. We have to do it fairly quick though cause we are on a deadline (if we don't so something with his toys we won't have room to host Christmas or put up a tree) so we won't be painting either room for now. There seems like so much to do just to move one room downstairs!? I plan on working on that tonight and Thursday cause I have the 11th off!! Above I posted my graph chart... I like to see how close I am to my goal line and how it is dropping, kinda puts a smile on my face!! Pretty soon I will have to buy new jeans again but this time they will be a much smaller size!!

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