Tuesday, November 2, 2010

RIP Dad :(

I know, I haven't posted for a while - things have been kind of a blur for the past week. I went to go see my Dad on Thurs and when I walked in his room I knew he didn't look good. This was the Thursday before I was to go to my weekend retreat. I was torn, I wasn't sure if I should stay or go. Thursday night my brother and I stayed with Dad late, I stayed till 1am and he stayed till 4am! Dad slept the whole time we were there but it still felt like we were with him. Then Friday morning I went back to see how he was doing, hoping that maybe the night before was just a bad day. It wasn't, he was looking worse then the night before and was quickly deteriorating. I went to get my Mom and took her over for a visit, said my goodbyes and gave him kisses on the cheek. I headed to the retreat, crying for most of the way, knowing that I would be getting a phone call that weekend to tell me he had passed. About an hour after I got there my brother called to tell me he was gone. Last week we were busy planning the funeral and last minute details which were very emotional tasks. The funeral was held on Thursday and the place was packed! It was great to see that my Dad was so loved and liked by all his friends, he will be greatly missed by everyone. I still feel like he is here, I don't think I've totally come to closer with him gone, it happened so fast. Even though he was fighting cancer for a year and a half, the last few days were quick. I hope he knew how much I loved him, I think Christmas will be hard this year. We have lost a lot of amazing family and friends since last Christmas, the house will seem empty without them.

We just celebrated Halloween and I really wanted to make it a fun time for Jacob. Even though I was sad and didn't feel like smiling. We had a Halloween party with all his friends from the Moms group. It is nice to see all the kids and to still keep in touch with the Moms, they have all grown so much and are turning into quiet the little characters.

After the Moms group party, Jacob and I went out to St.Albert to trick or treat with his friends. We went to a haunted house which was really neat and Jacob loved! He wasn't scared at all, which is nice. We had a good Halloween and a busy November ahead. Hopefully things will get better now. Tomorrow I will post about my weight loss.

1 comment:

Serenity Now said...

oh wow, I know you've known this was coming - but still, it's shocking when it actually does happen. I'm sure it will hit you when you least expect it. I'm so sorry you have to go through this - I absolutely dread the day when I lose one of my parents. Hang in there girl, HUGS to you.